Sunday, June 01, 2008

Our little dare devil

Meg and I took Charlotte to the park yesterday, she just loves to swing. In fact she can't seem to get enough. I started to push her and she looked like she wasn't having fun. I asked, "Do you want to go to the slide?" She said, "no more! more!!!" So I began to push her higher. She said "more! more! more!!!" It got to the point that if I pushed any harder the swing would have produced slack in the chain!

"MORE!! MORE!!! MORE!!!!!


Karen said...

She's your kid alright. Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

That's my 'Angel Face'!!!


Anonymous said...

she's getting bigger and bigger, i need to come over and see her sometime.

Terry said...

She loves to go high! Always wanted more in the swing here too! Can't wait to see you guys again next month!

Joyce said...

Dave, you're such a wonderful dad...keep-on keepin!!!!
Love you guys...

Anonymous said...

The 2nd photo makes me anxious (I'm so conservative)...I guess that's why daddies and daughters have so much fun together.

We love your spunk Char!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Karen. Yep, definitely your kid, David....and more to come LOL
Payback??? Love, Mom
What a cutie pie!